Our Planet's Freshwater 2nd Edition
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Our Planet's Freshwater 2nd Edition
Our Planet’ s Freshwater is one of seven Planet Geography Monographs, each of which covers one option of the Standard Level and Higher Level Options for IBDP Geography Paper 1. The 4 chapters mirror the structure of the syllabus. The same content is also available as chapters 1 to 4 in Our Dynamic Planet.
Chapter 1 Drainage basin hydrology and geomorphology
A systems approach to drainage basins
River discharge
River processes and landforms
Case study of the forming of a large waterfall, Victoria Falls,on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia
Chapter 2 Flooding and flood mitigation
Human actions and flooding
Flood prediction
Flood mitigation
Case study of flood mitigation in the Nile Basin
Case study of flood mitigation in the Lower Rhine Basin
Chapter 3 Water scarcity and water quality
Water scarcity
Environmental consequences of agricultural activity
Case study of the impact of agricultural activities on the Colorado River
Case study of the impact of irrigation for rice farming in Bali
Pressure on lakes and aquifers
Case study of human pressure on a large lake - the Aral Sea
Internationally shared water resources
Case study of water conflict in the Euphrates River basin
Chapter 4 Water management futures
Improving water management
Dams for multi-purpose water schemes
Case study of the Three Gorges Dam project
Integrated drainage basin management
Case study of the Broadland Rivers Catchment Plan
Pressures on wetlands (including Ramsar)
Case study of the Florida Everglades