Our Planet's Urban Environments 2nd Edition

Our Planet's Urban Environments 2nd Edition
Our Planet’ s Urban Environments is one of seven Planet Geography Monographs, each of which covers one option of the Standard Level and Higher Level Options for IBDP Geography Paper 1. The 4 chapters mirror the structure of the syllabus. The same content is also available as chapters 25 to 28 in Our Dynamic Planet.
Chapter 1
Characteristics of urban places
The pattern of urban economic activities and residential areas
Case study of the pattern of economic and residential land uses in Yangon
Poverty, deprivation and informal activity in urban areas
Case study of begging in Karachi
Case study of social stresses in London
Case study of the ebola pandemic
Chapter 2
Centrifugal population movements
Urban system growth
Case study of infrastructure growth in La Paz
Urban deindustrialisation
Chapter 3
Urban microclimates
Case study of air pollution in Beijing
Traffic congestion
Case study of sustainable traffic management in Curitiba
Contested land use changes
Case study of contested land use changes in Skopje
Case study of contested land use changes in Berlin
Urban social deprivation
Chapter 4
Urban growth projections
Resilient city design
Case study of resilient city strategies in Rio de Janeiro
Case study of resilient city strategies in Byblos
Case study of resilient city strategies in Cairo (the Zabaleen community)
Eco city design
Case study of environmental strategies in Malmö
Case study of environmental strategies in Sydney (Newington)
Smart city design