Our Planet’s Geophysical Hazards 2nd Edition

Our Planet’s Geophysical Hazards 2nd Edition
Our Planet’ s Geophysical Hazards is one of seven Planet Geography Monographs, each of which covers one option of the Standard Level and Higher Level Options for IBDP Geography Paper 1. The 4 chapters mirror the structure of the syllabus. The same content is also available as chapters 13 to 16 in Our Dynamic Planet.
Chapter 1
Plate movement
Case study of the Indian Ocean tsunami
Mass movement
Case study of the Darvaza sinkholes
Chapter 2
Hazard magnitude and frequency
Factors affecting geophysical hazard risks
Geographical factors affecting geophyical hazard event impacts
Chapter 3
Volcanic hazards
Case study of volcanic hazards in Yellowstone, USA
Case study of volcanic hazards in Iceland
Earthquake hazards
Case study of the Haiti earthquake
Case study of the Kumamoto earthquake
Mass movement hazards
Case study of the Dolina Geyzerov landslide
Case study of the Oso mudslide
Chapter 4
Trends and projections
Adaptation to hazards
Pre-event management strategies
Post-event management strategies