NEW DP Sports, Exercise, and Health ScienceTeacher Toolkit (Version 2.1)

NEW DP Sports, Exercise, and Health ScienceTeacher Toolkit (Version 2.1)
Practical tools, classroom examples, and content from IB regional workshop leaders and experienced DP SEHS teachers.
- Scope & Sequence and unit plan support to help you plan your course
- Assessment examples so you can accurately grade your students
- Classroom examples and downloadables to use in your own classroom
Easy-to-understand explanations for the core and HL topics, plus the Options to help you improve your knowledge.
65+ printable downloadable resources and informative graphics to use in your classroom and deepen your knowledge.
Student assessment samples of the EAs and the IA to help you mark your students' assessments more accurately.
Plan your scope & sequence after reviewing classroom examples from experienced DP SEHS teachers.
SEHS Toolkit Structure
SESSION 1 - Introduction
Subject Overview
Scope & Sequence
Aims & Objectives
Quiz on Session 1
SESSION 2 - Teaching the Core and HL Topics
Teaching the Core Topics
Teaching the HL Topics
SESSION 3 - Teaching the Options
Teaching the Options
SESSION 4 - The External Assessment
The Exam Papers
Assessment Marking with Samples for Practice
Learning Activities and Lesson Plan Suggestions
Quiz on Session 4
SESSION 5 - The Internal Assessment
The Internal Assessment
Learning Activities and Lesson Plan Suggestions to Support the IA
Assessment Marking with Samples from Practice
Quiz on Session 5
SESSION 6 - The Group 4 Project
The Group 4 Project
Group Samples and Best Practices
Quiz on Session 6
SESSION 7 - Incorporating IB best practices
Teaching & Learning in an IB SEHS Classroom (The Learner Profile, ATL, ATT)
The Core (TOK, CAS, EE) and SEHS
Quiz on Session 7
[SEHS] How was your experience?
Certificate of Completion
A 90-second video explaining this Ibtrove DP SEHS toolkit!
Some questions we hear often...
How does the toolkit help me with the IA & EAs?
This toolkit includes both content to deepen your knowledge of the assessments and downloadable resources on the EAs and IA. This includes:
Explanations and examples of how to prepare your students for their Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper 3 EAs, as well as the Individual Investigation (IA).
Detailed information on using the rubric to grade your students' assessments.
Assessment samples to practice your marking.
Lesson activities to help you prepare your students for the IA, Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper 3.
Can an experienced DP SEHS teacher benefit from using the IB toolkit?
Definitely! With over 65+ printable resources and lots of classroom ideas and expert advice, our toolkit includes a wide variety of ideas to spark your creativity and get you excited about teaching DP SEHS.
Can I use this for all my teachers at my school and district?
Yes! This DP SEHS toolkit is designed to work with our other Ibtrove toolkits so all your teachers deepen their knowledge in their IB subject and have classroom examples and downloadables to use in their classroom.
Bundle this toolkit with our other Ibtrove toolkits to create a customized learning plan for your teachers!