Career Related Programme Teacher Toolkit

Career Related Programme Teacher Toolkit
Practical tools, classroom examples, and content from IB examiners, IB workshop leaders, and experienced CP Coordinators and PPS teachers.
- Scope & Sequence guidance to help you organize and plan your CP and PPS course.
- Downloadable resources that you can print and use with your CP students.
- Learn best practices for incorporating the Core and the DP subjects into your programme.
Easy-to-understand explanations for all elements, including the PPS course, CP Core, and the CRS.
50+ printable downloadable resources and informative graphics to help you learn.
Classroom examples and student samples to support you in your teaching.
Plan your scope & sequences for the CP and PPS.
SESSION 1 - Introduction to the Career Programme
Session 1 Workbook
Framework & Aims
Becoming a CP Coordinator
The Awarding of Certificates & University Admissions
Quiz on Session 1
SESSION 2 - Scope & Sequence of the CP
Session 2 Workbook
The Scope
The Role of the DP Courses
The Sequence of the Programme
Quiz on Session 2
SESSION 3 - Career-related Programme Core
Session 3 Workbook
Core Components
Reflective Project
Service Learning
Language Development
PPS Course Overview
Quiz on Session 3
SESSION 4 - Personal and Professional Skills
Session 4 Workbook
Scope & Sequence
Themes, Topics, and Subtopics
Unit Planning
Forming a Community
Quiz on Session 4
SESSION 5 - Career-Related Studies Connections
Session 5 Workbook
Student Career Pathways
Creating CRS Partnerships & Work-Based Learning Opportunities
Links to the Core
Quiz on Session 5
SESSION 6 - Teaching & Learning in the CP
Session 6 Workbook
The IB Mission Statement
The Learner Profile
The Approaches to Learning
The Approaches to Teaching
Quiz on Session 6
[CP] How was your experience?
Completion Certificate
Take a peek inside Ibtrove's Career Related Programme Teacher Toolkit
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the toolkit help me as an IBCP coordinator?
This toolkit includes all the foundational elements a newer IBCP coordinator needs to know about the full IBCP, including:
- The Personal and Professional Skills course
- The Service Learning component
- The Language Development component
- The Reflective Project
- The Career-Related Studies Connections
See classroom examples, organizational samples, and best practices from an IBCP expert.
Can an experienced IBCP coordinator and/or teacher benefit from using the IB toolkit?
Definitely! With over 50+ printable resources and lots of classroom ideas and expert advice, our toolkit includes a wide variety of ideas to spark your creativity and get you excited about the IBCP.
Can I use this for all my teachers at my school and district?
Yes! This IBCP toolkit is designed to work with our other Ibtrove toolkits so all your teachers deepen their knowledge in their IB subject and have classroom examples and downloadables to use in their classroom.
Bundle this toolkit with our other Ibtrove toolkits to create a customized learning plan for your teachers!