Access to History for the IB Diploma: The Great Depression and the Americas 1929/39

Access to History for the IB Diploma: The Great Depression and the Americas 1929/39
This series has taken the clarity, accessibility, reliability and in-depth analysis of our best-selling Access to History series and tailor-made it for the History IB Diploma. Each title in the series supports a specific topic in the IB History guide through thorough content coverage and examination guidance - helping students develop a good knowledge and understanding of the required content alongside the skills they need to do well. Access to IB History: The Great Depression and the Americas 1929-39 is an IB specific edition of Access to History: Prosperity, Depression and the New Deal:
The USA 1890-1954. It has been revised to fully support the section of the same name in HL option 3: Aspects of the History of the Americas and includes: authoritative, clear and engaging narrative which combines depth of content with accessibility of approach; up-to-date historiography with clear analysis and associated TOK activities; guidance on answering exam-style questions with model answers and practice questions.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Introduction: The Great Depression in the Americas
Chapter 2 The Great Depression in the USA 1929-32
Chapter 3 F D Roosevelt and the first New Deal
Chapter 4 Opponents of the New Deal
Chapter 5 F D Roosevelt and the later New Deals
Chapter 6 The Great Depression in Canada
Chapter 7 The Great Depression in Latin America
Chapter 8 The Great Depression in Brazil and Argentina
Chapter 9 The social and cultural impact of the Great Depression
Chapter 10 Conclusions