Peak inside the MYP Individuals & Societies Teacher Toolkit !
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Inside the IB MYP Individuals & Societies Teacher Toolkit Structure
SESSION 1 - MYP I&S Planning
Using this Ibtrove Teacher Toolkit
The MYP I & S 2.0 Workbook
1.1 Introduction to MYP Individuals and Societies
1.2 Moving to the MYP Curriculum
1.3 Key Aspects of Teaching MYP I&S
1.4 The Aims _ Objectives
SESSION 2 - MYP I&S Training
2.1 Introduction to the MYP Approaches
2.2 The Learner Profile
2.3 Approaches to Learning
2.4 Approaches to Teaching
SESSION 3 - MYP I&S Assessment
3.1 Building your Unit of Inquiry
3.2 The Key Concepts
3.3 Related Concepts
3.4 Global Contexts
3.5 Statement of Inquiry
3.6 Inquiry
SESSION 4 - MYP I&S The Approaches the MYP Core
4.1 Teaching Change
4.2 Teaching Global Interactions
4.3 Teaching Systems
4.4 Teaching Time, Place, and Space
SESSION 5 - MYP I&S Appendix Individuals Societies Foundations
5.1 The Role of Assessment
5.2 Planning _ Developing Assessments
5.3 Creating Rubrics
Session 6 - Final Thoughts
Thank You!
Toolkit Feedback
Certificate of Completion
Chris Stephenson
Claire Butler-Walker
MYP & DP Educator / IB Workshop Team Leader
Chris has a deep knowledge of IB philosophy as an MYP and DP teacher, authorization/evaluation team leader, workshop developer, and delivery as a member of the International Baccalaureate Educator Network since 2009. As a consultant, she collaborated on the development of the Individuals and Societies guide (2014) and created an "Inquiry in the MYP" workshop.
IB MYP Individuals & Societies Educator
Claire has taught in the MYP since 2009. She is an experienced MYP I&S teacher and serves as her school's MYP Service Learning Coordinator.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How does the toolkit help me with IA & EA?
This toolkit includes 30+ downloadable resources all focused on supporting you as you teach MYP Language Acquisition.
The course includes:
- Detailed information on building your unit of inquiry
- Classroom examples and downloadable examples from experienced teachers
- Best practices, videos, and audios to support you in becoming a more effective MYP Language Acquisition teacher
- Our contributor team teach various languages (Spanish, German, and French) to give you examples and ideas for ANY language you may teach for MYP Language Acquisition.
Can An Experienced MYP Individuals & Societies Teacher Benefit From Using this Ibtrove Toolkit?
Definitely! With over 50+ printable resources and lots of classroom ideas and expert advice, our toolkit includes a wide variety of ideas to spark your creativity and get you excited about teaching MYP Individuals & Societies.
Can I use this for all my teachers at my school and district?
Yes! This MYP Individuals & Societies toolkit is designed to work with our other Ibtrove toolkits so all your teachers deepen their knowledge in their IB subject and have classroom examples and downloadables to use in their classroom.
Bundle this toolkit with our other Ibtrove toolkits to create a customized learning plan for your teachers!